Our research involves applying mass spectrometry-based technologies to perform molecular phenotyping at the population level. This work entails the development of both LC/MS and GC/MS methods for the quantification of lipids and other metabolites. A major focus of the lab also centers on developing the associated bioinformatics approaches including pathway analysis and network construction as well as multivariate statistical methods for integration of 'omics-based data structures.
Lab news
KI News
- The impact of regular sauerkraut consumption on the human gut microbiota: a crossover intervention trial
- The prognostic value of remnant cholesterol to adverse renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes
- A metabolic fingerprint of ovarian cancer: a novel diagnostic strategy employing plasma EV-based metabolomics and machine learning algorithms
- Andrographolide reverses the susceptibility of Streptococcus suis to aminoglycoside antibiotics by proton motive force
- Risk of serum circulating environmental chemical residues to esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a nested case-control metabolome-wide association study
VR News
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- This RSS feed has been discontinued. Welcome to our website Vetenskapsradet.se where you can subscribe to updates and newsletters.
- MATRAC 1 School - time to apply
- Decision within Conference grants
- Open call - JPIAMR Network Call on Virtual Research Institute
Metabolomics News
- New Structural Insights Into the Minor Spliceosome - Technology Networks
- Serum biomarkers associated with health impacts of high residential radon exposure: a metabolomic pilot study - Nature.com
- Transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses of Tartary buckwheat roots during cadmium stress - Nature.com
- Metabolomics- and proteomics-based multi-omics integration reveals early metabolite alterations in sepsis-associated acute kidney injury - BMC Medicine
- Distinct metabolic perturbations link liver steatosis and incident CVD in lean but not obese PWH - BMC Medicine